১. প্রবেশপত্র কিভাবে পাবেন?
২. নিয়োগকারীর থেকে কিভাবে সাহায্য পাবেন?
1. How to Get the Admit Card?
2. How can I get help from Employer?
The Department of Military Lands and Cantonments (DMLC) is an important department under the Ministry of Defense. Every year DMLC recruits candidates for its different organizations. It was big and resource full task for them, starting from identifying the empty positions, prepare job specification, screening, applying, further screening, admit card distribution, collecting fees and many others were time consuming and complicated. The job portal will make their life easy for both the recruiter and applicants. The job portal will give the opportunity to show all available jobs, and apply through online.